Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1


Is it possible to live in this marvelous

world with love, with beauty,

with truth?

We have so many problems, such complex issues that in order to understand
them completely, one has to take a journey over the whole Earth, see the various
cultures objectively, sanely, rationally, and consider seriously the many conflicts
and what is actually going on in the world. We must see actually, not
theoretically or verbally, what’s going on. We must see things as they are, not
through the eyes of a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Christian or a
communist or the extreme Maoist. We must be able to observe the facts very
clearly, not ideals, not what we think should be, but actually what is going on.
We have to drop all our conclusions, theories, and actually see with our own
sensory eyes what is taking place in the world.
There is great division, conflict, injustice, everlasting wars, national,
linguistic, and religious divisions. There is a great deal of violence and immense
sorrow. It is a fact that one can observe that religions have divided people into
Hindus with their beliefs, Christians with their doctrines, Muslims with their
faith, Buddhists, and so on. Religions, which are organized beliefs, propaganda,
with their rituals, with their sacred books, with their teachers and saviors, have
separated people and brought about fragmentation in the human mind. There is
the division of nationalities: the Indian opposed to the Pakistani, the Russian, the
German, the American, the Vietnamese, and so on. Then there is the revolt of the
young against the established order. There is a great deal of terrifying social
injustice; there is poverty; there is a great deal of brutality, violence, unspeakable
horrors going on.
When one observes all this rationally, without any prejudice, without coming
to any conclusion, one sees very clearly that human beings have created this
monstrous, decadent, corrupt society. That again is a fact. You are the world; the
world is you. You are society. The culture in which you have been born and
brought up, that culture, that society is the result of your efforts, of your greed,
your brutalities, your violence. So you are the world, you are the community, you
are the society, the culture. Do please realize this: where there is corruption,
disorder, callousness, brutality, total indifference, you are responsible—each one
of you. You have brought about, put together through time, the social structure
with its divisions. You have put together the religions, the beliefs, the
innumerable ugly gods, and you have built this society. So the world is you and
you are the world, not theoretically, not verbally, but actually. You must realize

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