Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

this deeply, feel it with your heart, not with your petty little cunning, insensitive
mind, because that is the fact, not a theory, not an idea. The explanation is not the
explained; the description is not what is described. It is the absolute fact that you
are the community, you are the society, you have built these religions that
separate, divide, bring such misery to humanity right throughout the world.
It is necessary to bring about a vast, radical revolution, not merely outwardly
but in oneself. Unless you change, unless you cease completely to be a Hindu or
a Buddhist or a Christian, a communist, merely bringing about a superficial
reformation, altering a few patterns here and there, is not going to bring peace to
humanity at all. It is your responsibility. Unless there is psychological, inward
revolution in the way you lead your life, the way you think, your daily corrupting
activities, there is no possibility of really deep, profound social change.
You can see what is happening. There is violence even though religions have
said not to kill, not to go to war, not to hurt another, to be kind, generous, tender,
to open your heart to others. Books have said it, so the books have no value at all.
What is relevant is what you are. The fact is that the world is you, not as a theory
but in actuality; the world, the community, the society, the culture in which you
have been brought up have been built through time by man. You are the result of
that, and to bring about a change in the outward structure of the established
corrupt order, one must change oneself inwardly completely. This is a logical,
sane, observable fact. And violence is considered as a means to change society. It
appears that through violence a quick change can be brought about, and therefore
in certain parts of the world people justify violence. But one can see logically,
sanely, that violence may bring about a superficial change in the social order, but
that physical revolution invariably ends in dictatorship or bureaucracy or chaos
that in turn brings about tyranny. Again, that’s an observable fact.
So if a person is aware of all these facts, not according to a particular
prejudice or tendency, not according to historical knowledge, but actually feels,
observes, sees the immense confusion and sorrow—and if the person is serious,
and I hope you are—then there is only one resolution. That is that you, as a
human being, who are the result of time, the result of your environment, must
radically, deeply change.
So the question is, Can this inward revolution, psychological mutation, take
place, not in some distant future but actually? That is what we are going to
investigate to see if there is a possibility of a total change in the very brain
structure itself. For this one must share the investigation, the inquiry together.
Communication means sharing together, thinking together, not agreeing or
disagreeing together, but thinking, observing, learning, understanding together.
Both you and the speaker have to take the journey together. Communication
means having something in common between you and the speaker, and to
examine it, to share it, to understand it. Communication is not merely verbal. Of
course there must be a verbal understanding; but communication also means
sharing, and you cannot possibly share if you remain with your particular
prejudices, beliefs, dogmas, conclusions.
So we are taking a journey together into a very complex problem of existence.
We are going to inquire together into human relationship. We are going to

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