Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

building an image. Next time somebody insults you or flatters you, be totally
aware at that moment. Then you will see that the old structure of the brain
becomes quiet, doesn’t instantly operate. There is an interval between the insult
and the recording, and the recording doesn’t occur because you are totally aware.
Have you got it?
Please see this next time you look at a tree. Just observe it, see the beauty of
it, the branches, the strength of the trunk, the curve of the branch, the delicate
leaf, the shape of it. Just look at it without the image, the image being the
previous knowledge of your having seen that tree. Look at it without the
observer. Look at your wife, or your husband, as though you are seeing her or
him for the first time, that is, without the image. That seeing is true relationship,
not the relationship between image and image. A mind that is capable of this
observation so clearly is capable of observing what truth is.

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