Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

the psychological revolution inwardly? That is what we are going to examine;
that is what we are going to share together.
Sharing implies that there is no teacher and no disciple. The guru cannot
possibly share; he can only instruct. And we are not your guru, we are not your
authority, we are not pointing out what to do. What we are concerned with is the
examination and understanding of this immense, complex problem of bringing
about a social change. Because society is terribly corrupt. There is vast injustice,
war, every kind of brutality, violence. And human beings who live in a particular
culture, in a particular society are part of that. So to bring about a radical change,
there must be a revolution in the psyche, in oneself.
That is what we are going to examine together, share together, understand
together. When we use the word together, the word implies that there is no
division. Though the speaker may be sitting on a platform, there is actually no
division in our examination. I hope we understand this very clearly. We are not
instructing you, because the speaker has no authority whatsoever. Authority
binds, destroys, corrupts. We are examining together, sharing our problems
together, so verbal communication becomes very important because through
words we can communicate. But to go beyond the verbal communication, we
have to establish between you and the speaker a quality of mind where words
will not be necessary.
Before we go to that, we have to exercise our reason, logic, think very clearly,
objectively, sanely, and examine. If you cling to a particular cultural
conditioning, obviously you are incapable of examining. Examination requires
freedom to observe, but if you are tethered to a particular conviction, to a
particular ideal, to a particular tradition, then examination is not possible and you
cannot possibly reason clearly. One must exercise reason, that is, the capacity to
examine objectively. Only then can you go beyond reason.
So together we are going to consider this question, knowing that there must
be a radical, psychological revolution, deeply, which will then affect the society
in which we live. It must begin with the human mind, not with the structure that
the human mind has created, whether it is the communist society or the so-called
democratic society or the capitalist or Maoist society. So first we are asking
whether the human mind—which is the result of time, of so-called evolution,
which has lived through thousands of experiences—whether the mind that you
have—which includes the brain, the heart, the whole being, the whole structure
of human beings—can radically change itself and not depend on the environment
to change it. Please see the importance of this. The environment is created by
you, so if you depend on the environment, on the structure of the society, to
change you, then you are deceiving yourself, you are living in an illusion.
Because you have created this society.
How is change possible for the human mind that is so conditioned? If you
observe your own mind, you will see that it is heavily conditioned as a Hindu, a
Buddhist, a Christian, a communist, a Maoist, or whatever it is. The mind is
conditioned by time, by culture, by various influences, conditioned by the past—
the conditioning is the past. This mind is the result of this conditioning, and the

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