Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

We are the result of thousands of accumulations. We are accumulating, and if
you would understand that accumulation you have to learn about it and not
further accumulate. So there must be an observation that is a constant learning
without accumulation. Accumulation is the center, is the “me,” the ego; and to
learn about it one must be free of accumulation, and not accumulate at another
level in a different direction.
So there must be learning about yourself by watching, not condemning, not
justifying, but just watching the way you talk, the way you walk, the words you
use, your motives, your purposes, your intentions, being totally aware without
any choice. Awareness is not a matter of accumulation; it is learning, being
aware from moment to moment. When you are not aware, don’t bother. Begin
again so that your mind is always fresh. Therefore the learning about yourself is
not only at the conscious, superficial level, but also the deeper levels, the so-
called unconscious, the hidden.
How are you going to learn about something that is very deeply rooted,
hidden, not open? Our whole consciousness is both superficial and hidden, and
we have to learn the content of all that consciousness because the content makes
up consciousness. The two are not separate; the content is consciousness.
Therefore to understand the content there must be an observation without the
observer. You know it’s one of the most fascinating things in life to find out how
to look anew at life.
To observe the hidden, one has to have eyes that are not conditioned by the
past, as a Hindu, Christian, and all the rest of it. One must look at oneself as
though for the first time, and look at it for the first time each time, and therefore
never accumulate. If you can so observe yourself in action, in the office, with the
family, with the children, when you are sexual, when you are greedy, ambitious
and can observe without condemning, without justifying, just observe, then you
will see that in that observation there is no conflict whatsoever. A mind that
comes with a tortured, distorted mind can never possibly find out what truth is.
Most of our minds are distorted, tortured, made small by control, by discipline,
by fear.
And there is another factor. I have not read their books or anything of that
kind, but psychologists, professionals have talked to the speaker about their
special subjects. They say that we must dream, otherwise we will go mad, that
when we sleep, there must be dreams. Every night when we sleep some kind of
dream activity goes on, and they say that it is essential for human sanity that we
dream. Now we are going to question it; we are going to find out whether it is
absolutely necessary to dream at all. So we have to discard the professionals and
find out for ourselves. So we have to ask what dreams are. Aren’t dreams the
continuation of the activity of daily life, only in symbolic form? Please don’t
agree or disagree; we are inquiring together, taking the journey together, so there
is no agreement or disagreement. We are both observing. We are asking if it is
necessary to dream at all. Aren’t dreams the movement of daily life, the daily
observations, the daily wrangles, you know, all the misfortunes, violence,
bitterness, anger, a movement of that continuing while we are asleep, only taking
symbolic or ritualistic form? You find out.

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