Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

If you observe you will also see that the brain needs order; otherwise it can’t
function rationally. Have you noticed before you go to sleep that you review the
day and you say to yourself, “I should have said that differently; I should have
done that in a different way; I shouldn’t have said that; I wish that hadn’t
happened; I must correct it tomorrow”? Haven’t you noticed that you review the
day just before you go off to sleep? Why? Because if you don’t do it consciously,
while you are asleep the mind is spending its energy to bring order within itself.
Order is necessary in daily life, not only when you are asleep. The brain demands
that you have an orderly, sane life; otherwise it can’t function efficiently. And
order is virtue because if you are not virtuous, if you are disorderly, how can the
brain operate? The brain can only operate excellently when it is secure, when it
has order within itself. Haven’t you noticed all these things? If you lead a
disorderly, contradictory, stupid, shallow life, as most of us do, you can have
superficial order, but the superficial order becomes disorder when there is a
relationship with other human beings. So order is necessary.
While the body is asleep, the brain is bringing about order in itself because
next day it has to face disorder again; it must have some capacity to bring order
out of disorder. Bringing about order is in the form of dreams, but if in the
waking hours you have established order, then the brain can inquire while the
physical body is asleep, and live a totally different kind of life.
This is part of meditation. A mind that has no order, that is doing one thing,
saying another, thinking, acting in another way, as we do, cannot possibly
understand what meditation is. There must be order. Now how do you
establish—how does the mind, the brain establish order during the day? Order is
virtue; social morality is not. Social morality is immorality. We are not talking of
social order, social morality; we are talking of a virtue that is orderly. Order is
not a blueprint established by the Gita, the Bible, by the teacher. Order is a living
thing; it has no blueprint. If you live by a blueprint then there is disorder between
what you are and what you should be. In that there is contradiction; therefore
there is conflict. Conflict indicates disorder.
So you can find out what order is only when you observe, learn about
disorder. In the understanding of disorder you have order. Our daily life, as we
live, is disorderly, isn’t it? Would you say your life, if you are honest with
yourself, is very orderly, very sane, balanced, harmonious? Obviously not. If it
were you wouldn’t be sitting there. You would be free human beings, marvelous
human beings, establishing a different kind of society. But we are disorderly,
contradictory human beings. Observe it without denying, justifying; just observe
your disorder, how contradictory you are, how frightened you are, how envious
you are, seeking prestige, position, bullied by your wife or husband, slave to
what your neighbor thinks of you, in constant conflicts and struggles. Observe
that without justifying it or condemning it. Learn all about that disorder, and you
will see that out of that comes an extraordinarily sweet order with movement,
with life, with vigor. You will see that because during the day you have
established complete order in your life, a mathematical, precise order.
To understand that, you have to understand fear, you have to understand
pleasure, which we went into briefly the other day. All the egotistic activities, the

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