Inward Revolution Bringing About Radical Change in the World

(Michael S) #1

is the past, to which you can add or take away from. All scientific, technological
knowledge is the past. Of course you can add more to it, alter it, but the basis is
the past. So the knowledge about yourself is the past; you are the past. Therefore,
you being the past, there is division between the past, the present, and the future,
what you have been, what you are, what you will be, all in terms of knowing.
Which means your God is already the known; otherwise, you wouldn’t have
Knowledge is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, you couldn’t go home;
otherwise we couldn’t talk English and understand each other. Knowledge is the
past, and knowledge is the memory which the brain has accumulated over
centuries, through experiences. So knowledge is necessary, and knowledge also
becomes an impediment in relationship between human beings—the Christian,
the Buddhist, the Hindu. Do you see the problem, the beauty of the problem?
You need knowledge; otherwise, you couldn’t function. And you also see how
knowledge, which is the past, the images that you have built, prevents
Don’t just sit there; use your capacities. We are learning together. Therefore
you are asking the question, Since knowledge is absolutely necessary, how it is
possible for that very knowledge which the brain has accumulated through
centuries not to interfere with relationship? Because relationship is the most
important thing. All our social behavior, society, morality, everything is based on
that. And there is no relationship if there is an image, which is knowledge. What
will you do, knowing that you need knowledge and knowing that knowledge
interferes with relationship?
If you have come to this point, if you have followed it all along from the
beginning, you will see that your mind has become extraordinarily sensitive. And
being sensitive, it has become intelligent. And it is that intelligence that will
prevent the image from interfering in relationship. It is not your decision, not
your saying “I must not,” or “I must,” but the understanding of this whole
process—not verbally, not intellectually. Really understand it with your heart,
with your brain, with your full capacity. See the truth of it. When you see the
truth that knowledge is necessary and that knowledge interferes in relationship
because knowledge is the image, the mind has become extraordinarily pliable,
extraordinarily sensitive. It is this sensitivity, which is the highest form of
intelligence, that will prevent the interference of images as knowledge in
relationship. Do get this, please. Then you will see that you will lead quite a
different kind of life. Then you will banish forever the division that man has
brought about between himself and another. So knowledge, which is
accumulated experience, is absolutely necessary, and any other image, any other
knowledge, in relationship becomes totally irrelevant.
Surely, love is not an idea; love is not an image; love is not cultivation of the
memory of a person whom you think you love. Love is something totally new
every minute, because it is not cultivable, it is not the result of effort, strain,
conflict. If you listen to what is being said attentively, that attention is love.
Otherwise there must be a division in this attention; therefore, it brings conflict.

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