Tradition and Revolution Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti

(Nora) #1

C: Analysis alone will not.

K: Knowledge is the result of analysis. I analyse. I see why I am jealous: I was
angry with my wife and so on, and she has left me. Does this knowledge free me
from the fear of living alone without her?

C: The feeling of jealously does cease.

K: How do you propose to end jealously? I have analysed myself till I am sick,
and the next minute I am jealous again.

C: That means by analysis you have not ended jealousy.

K: Analysis is part of knowledge. I have accumulated knowledge because I have
analysed. I am jealous because I have tried to possess my wife. The realization of
this is knowledge. And I want to possess her because I am afraid to live alone—
and this is also part of knowledge. And you are saying: Through analysis there is
an accumulation of knowledge, and that knowledge is going to free you from
jealousy. Does it?

C: No, sir. I may analyse my jealousy; I may also say: What does it matter if my
wife has gone to another man? It all depends on the individual response.

K: That is all intellection, which is part of analysis. All knowledge is intellectual.
And knowledge will not make you free.

C: Jñāna is not an intellectual process. The intellectual process ends with the
manas (mind) and buddhi (intellect).

K: So you are saying that there is another factor which is beyond the intellect,
beyond knowledge. Analysis and the accumulation of knowledge through
analysis is one kind of knowledge, and there is some other factor beyond that.

C: Which enables the buddhi to see, to discriminate.

B: How is knowledge acquired? Let us take the first step.

K: I have been on that road many times, and I have acquired knowledge. I have
seen that person often, and I have talked to him. He has been friendly or
unfriendly. I have accumulated through experience, through analysis, through
incidents, through information; and that is called knowledge.

C: What makes that knowledge possible? What makes experience possible?

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