Tradition and Revolution Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti

(Nora) #1

K: We are going to find out. There is the word, the image, and the goal towards
which both are cooperating. What is dividing you and me is the goal.

SW: But there is no goal with regard to the tree.

K: Just stay there. Do not jump ahead. We think that working together for a goal
has brought us in contact. But, in fact, the goal is separating us.

A: No. How can you say that the goal is dividing us?

K: I do not know; I may be wrong. We are investigating. You and I have a goal;
we work together.

SW: Is it a question of becoming?

K: Do look at it. I say that goals divide people; a goal does not bring people
together. Your goal and my goal are separate; they have divided us. The goal
itself and not cooperation, which is irrelevant, has divided us.

SW: I see one thing: where two people come together for the joy of something,
that is different.

K: When two people come together out of affection, love, joy, then what is the
action which does not divide? I love you, you love me, what is the action out of
that love?—Not movement towards a goal. What is the action between two
people who love?

A: When two people come together in affection, it may produce a result, but they
are not coming together for the result. Therefore, in any such coming together
there is no division. Whereas if two people come together with a goal, that is a
divisive factor.

K: We have discovered something. Do go into it. I see that when people come
together with affection, when there is no goal, no purpose, no utopia, then there
is no division. Then all status disappears and there is only function—then I will
sweep the garden because it is part of the needs of the place.

R: For love of the place—

K: Not love of the place. But love. You see what we are missing. Goals divide
people—the goal being a formula, an ideal. I want to see what is involved here. I
see that as long as I have a goal, a principle, a utopia, that very goal, that very
principle divides people. Therefore it is finished for me.
Then I ask myself: How am I to live, to work with you without a goal? I see
that relationship means to be in close contact, so that there is no distance between
the two. And I also see that there is a vast psychological distance in the

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