Tradition and Revolution Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti

(Nora) #1

K: This is within the field of time; thought is time. That is within the field of
silence. Therefore, find out if sorrow can end. Come out of the corner. Find out
what life is, what death means, what it means to end sorrow. If you have not
come upon this, playing tricks upon thought has no meaning. You can awaken all

the kuṇḍalinīs, but to what purpose? Teaching how to awaken the kuṇḍalinīs, or

making man proficient in archery in the Zen way, or practising the various forms
of Tantra are all within the bondage of time which is thought.
I see this and I also see that I am going around in circles. The circle may be
higher, but it is still a circle, a bondage, which is time. So I would not touch it. I
would not touch it because I see the nature, the structure and the disorder of this
corner. The corner has no meaning to me—when there is the marvellous sun, all
the siddhis or powers are like so many candles.
Can the mind, listening to this, wipe it away? The very listening is the wiping
away. Then you have it. Then there is attention, love; everything is there. You
see, logically this holds, whereas the other does not. The exercise of the brain is
to find the true and the false, that is, to see the false as the false. You see, when
the boy Krishnamurti saw the truth, it was over; he gave up all organizations, etc.
He had no training to see.

P: But you had training; you were put through a vigorous training of the body.

K: So they tell us. Because the body had been neglected, they said that if he was
not looked after, he would fall ill.

P: But sir, apart from physical discipline, there were instructions as to how to
bring up that boy.

K: Doing āsanas and prāṇāyāma was like combing the hair; it was all at that


P: It is very subtle. I am not saying that what happened had any relationship to
the illumination, but it is necessary to look after the body.

K: Yes, it is necessary to keep the body healthy.

P: Sir, if I may say so, you have the way of the yogi, you look like a yogi, your

body takes the pose of a yogi. You have been doing āsanas and prāṇāyāma every

day for so many years. Why?

K: That is not important. It is like keeping my nails clean. It is so childish to
spend years in perfecting the instrument. All that you have to do is to look.

P: But if one is born blind, it is only when a person like you comes and says,
‘Look’, that something does happen. Most people would not understand what you
were talking about.

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