Tradition and Revolution Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti

(Nora) #1

The nature of duality and non-duality is revealed in simple language. In that
state of questioning, a state when the questioner, the experiencer, has ceased, in a
flash, ‘truth’ is revealed. It is a state of total non-thought. Krishnamurti says:

The mind, which is the vessel of movement, is completely quiet when that movement
has no form, no ‘me’, no vision. In it there is no memory. Then the brain cells undergo a
change. The brain cells are used to movement in time; they are the residue of time. And
time is movement within the space it creates as it moves.
When there is no movement, there is a tremendous focus of energy. So mutation is the
understanding of movement, and the ending of movement in the brain cells themselves.
(Dialogue 6)

The revelation of the instant of mutation, of ‘what is’, provides a totally new
dimension to the whole field of intellectual and religious inquiry.
There may be repetition in the dialogues, but they have not been eliminated,
because to do so would have inhibited the understanding of the nature of
consciousness and the method of inquiry.
We feel that these discussions will be of major assistance to those seeking a
clue to the understanding of the self and of life.

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