St. Louis Cardinals Gameday – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1

OŶ the field, it takes a lot to groǁ iŶto a legeŶd. It’s hard ǁork,

dediĐatioŶ aŶd the deterŵiŶatioŶ to do the ďest LJou ĐaŶ. That’s

the ďaseďall ǁaLJ. It’s the saŵe ǁaLJ iŶ the field _ a farŵer’s field.

EǀerLJ seasoŶ, Missouri farŵ faŵilies ďriŶg hard ǁork, dediĐatioŶ

aŶd deterŵiŶatioŶ to groǁ the food ǁe eŶjoLJ. It’s a respoŶsiďilitLJ

takeŶ seriouslLJ for this geŶeratioŶ aŶd the Ŷedžt.

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Farmers Care


My grandpa has
been farming since
he was a little boy.
I love to help him
loves to teach me.
I’m going to be a
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