The Cricketer Magazine – June 2018

(Sean Pound) #1







STRIKE-RATE 145.0 68.1% 6.61



Having won the Blast in 2015, the Lightning
have failed to get out of the North Group in
the two years since. That will be fi rst item on
the agenda for Glen Chapple and new captain
Liam Livingstone, who took over from Steven
Croft, in 2018. A meagre return of fi ve wins out
of 14 in last season’s tournament was simply not
good enough. After being denied his services
by Cricket Australia last year – the governing
body determined that playing in the Blast would
do no good to a knee injury – allrounder James
Faulkner is in the ranks this time around, having
penned a two-year deal. He will add fi repower
towards the end of the innings with the bat and
more than a dollop of bowling intelligence to
the Lancashire attack. Much of Lancashire’s
chances will depend on the availability of Jos
Buttler, who averaged over 50 in 12 innings with
a strike-rate of 144 last season. With England in
limited-overs action against India for the fi rst half
of July, and with Buttler back in the Test ranks, it is
feasible that he could be limited to as few as three
matches - against Yorkshire, Worcestershire and
Nottinghamshire at the backend of July. SM

English T20’s most successful county have fallen
away a little in the competition in recent seasons

  • they are without a fi nals day appearance since
    their most recent title in 2011 - but by getting
    out of the North Division in 2017 they suggested
    that an upturn in fortunes might not be too far
    away. The club’s overseas recruits for this season,
    Mohammad Abbas of Pakistan and Afghan
    allrounder Mohammad Nabi, look shrewd
    acquisitions. Abbas has already displayed a
    knack for the lines and lengths needed in English
    conditions, albeit in the Test arena, while Nabi’s
    performances across T20 franchise cricket have
    provided evidence that his fi rst experience of the
    Blast will not go unnoticed – a career economy rate
    of 6.85 across 162 matches going with a useful lower-
    order strike rate of 139.36 and average of 21.65 with
    the bat. Paul Nixon understands T20 better than
    most, having been a part of the Foxes squad which
    dominated the early years of T20 in the mid-2000s
    and having coached overseas in the Caribbean
    Premier League. He has shown himself to be ruthless
    already this term, ditching Michael Carberry as
    captain, Paul Horton taking the reins. SM

Northants, champions in 2013 and 2016, have
been among the canniest recruiters in county T20,
but scant resources means they need the stars
to align if they are to mount another challenge.
Last season they started sluggishly with defeat by
Derbyshire, and Adam Lyth’s 161 knocked them
out unexpectedly before the quarter-fi nals. And
this spring their form in both Championship and
Royal London Cup has been auspiciously bad. One
thing they will try to do is wrap their important but
slightly injury-prone players – like Richard Gleeson
and Richard Levi – in cotton wool for T20, which
the club relies on to bring in the crowds. Northants
have again opted for an overseas unorthodox
spinner, in Seekkuge Prasanna. But they have
dispensed with Azharullah, pivotal death bowler
in two title wins. It is a big tournament too, for Ben
Duckett and Steven Crook, both out of contract at
the end of the year. The head coach, David Ripley,
has forged an excellent reputation on the back
of Northants’ T20 success, and another strong
showing should leave him in a good position for a
coaching role with one of the new 100 entities.
James Coyne

Lancashire Lightning

Coach Glen Chapple
Captain Liam Livingstone
Overseas Joe Mennie (A), James Faulkner (A)
Last season Group stage

Leicestershire Foxes
Coach Paul Nixon • Captain Paul Horton
Overseas Mohammad Abbas (P),
Mohammad Nabi (A)
Last season Quarter-fi nals

Northants Steelbacks
Coach David Ripley
Captain Alex Wakely
Overseas Seekugge Prasanna (SL)
Last season Group stage

Jos Buttler 30
Keaton Jennings 533
James Faulkner 92
Liam Livingstone 228
Steven Croft 287
Dane Vilas 516
Karl Brown 371
Jordan Clark 380
Tom Bailey 739
Stephen Parry 309
Matt Parkinson 468

Colin Ackermann 213
Mark Cosgrove 251
Michael Carberry 289
Cameron Delport 50
Mohammad Nabi 9
Mark Pettini 562
Tom Wells 485
Lewis Hill 588
Ben Raine 586
Gavin Gri ths 511
Dieter Klein 688

Richard Levi 154
Adam Rossington 239
Ben Duckett 235
Alex Wakely 335
Josh Cobb 272
Steven Crook 399
Rob Keogh 456
Rory Kleinveldt 176
Seekkuge Prasanna 199
Graeme White 554
Richard Gleeson 232

2017 run-rate 8.44 2017 economy 8.22 2017 run-rate 8.10 2017 economy 8.38 2017 run-rate 8.61 2017 economy 8.97


Team rating


Team rating


Team rating


Prediction: Group stage Prediction: Group stage Prediction: Quarter-fi nal | 

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