The Cricketer Magazine – June 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

No.4 (and probably a No.2) instead of constantly
monkeying with the top order as I fear Ed Smith
will do.
Michael Walton, via email

I was at Lord’s for the fi rst two days and I left
feeling that it had been poor value for money,
especially when the players fail to complete 90
overs even with an extra 30 minutes. Nigel Owens
doesn’t blow for full-time after 75 minutes of a
rugby international and Roger Federer doesn’t
pack it in at four all in the fi nal set. No doubt
MCC were happy, because the ground was more
or less full for both days and the membership
waiting list grows ever longer, but the cricket
drove spectators to the bars and gardens. By way
of contrast, on the Saturday morning I ran an All
Stars session at my local club, aimed at fi ve to
eight-year-olds. They are, I hope, the future of
the game, and appear to derive huge pleasure
from these sessions. But would I recommend
Test cricket to them or their parents? Not from
what I saw on those two days.
Desmond High, Maidstone

100 club
Vic Marks is spot on. One short-term tournament
is fi ne and necessary, but having two is ridiculous.
The Blast is likely to su er from 2020 onwards
and, should this happen, what are the potential
consequences?  Almost inevitably there will be a
reduction in counties with amalgamation taking
place. Throwing money at the clubs is not the
only answer.
Les Bone, Basingstoke

When I read the articles and looked at those
wonderful photos of Denis Compton in

The Cricketer, I remembered why I used to love
the game. When I read the articles and looked
at the pictures of today’s cricketers I know why
I don’t love cricket any more. Cricket is a game,
like chess, that you have to put a lot of thought
into to get enjoyment out of it. If they ever bring
in 100-ball cricket then that really will be the end
of a fantastic game that has given me 60 years
of enjoyment.
John H Reynolds, Worcester

Some years ago, MCC put out a questionnaire
in which one question was, ‘Which three words
do you most associate with the club?” Refl ecting
on the hierarchy at the time, my answer was:
Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge. A single
word now also encompasses my feelings about
The 100-ball concept: balls.
Malcolm Watson, Berkshire

I’ve recently subscribed to your superb mag
after my local newsagent shut down. I have
been reading it for about 40 years. Just fi nished
your June issue and read the last paragraph of
The Googly. Great minds think alike. There is
absolutely no reason why a 20-over innings
cannot fi t into 75 minutes. Wiping the ball, having
a drink, organising the fi eld, captains running
up to the bowlers to have a chat and the one
that really drives me balmy: the time-out... why?
If the players got a move on we wouldn’t need this
new format.
Richard Parker, Birmingham

Ed Smith’s defence
Michael Henderson (The Bouncer, June) lays a
hefty charge sheet against Ed Smith. But since
when has it been the principal requirement

of the national selector that he be popular or
even likeable? What he needs above all else is
high cricketing intelligence, sound judgement
and independence of mind. Having read
Smith’s books and columns and listened to him
broadcasting, my fear is that his Achilles heel may
rather be a tendency to over-theorise. I only hope
that he has the openness to take on board the
common sense articulated by Philip Collins a few
pages later. In the last 25 years only 20 per cent of
English batsmen have a Test average higher than
their fi rst-class average. Expect 10-20 per cent
lower and then refl ect on whether or not a man
should be selected.
Paul Cli ord, Kirtlington

I am delighted to hear that Ed Smith has been
appointed as the new England national selector,
and, from reading his noetic articles and
appreciating his articulate commentary, I believe
he will be well suited to the role. This optimism
is tinged with a slight disappointment that we’ll
not hear him on TMS any longer. It was a breath of
fresh air to again listen to an ‘old-style’ measured
commentary (if that’s not too paradoxical),
punctuated by felicitous pauses. It was a
wonderful antidote to the supererogatory chatter
that seems to be in vogue today. Let’s hope
that the BBC, and now indeed TalkSport, will
remember that sometimes this sedate, sagacious
style is what the listener wants.
Chris Rushton, via email

What has Ed Smith ever done to Michael
Henderson? The latter’s ‘Bouncer’ column
was a deeply unpleasant, wounding attack on
Smith, based largely on hearsay evidence, and,
seemingly, personal dislike. This was, in my view,


of the month
Andrew Layton,
Calwell Australia,

What made you subscribe? The Cricketer
features balanced, well-written and
informative articles about cricket across the
world. I also appreciate reading a perspective
often quite di erent to stories in Australia.
How long have you followed cricket? Since I
started to play cricket on my home-grown
turf pitch in my backyard on the Gold Coast in
Queensland about 48 years ago.
Happiest cricket memory? As a teenager,
visiting the MCG to watch Rodney Hogg bowl
England out in the third Test of 1978/79. The
crowd roar when Hogg bowled Boycott for 1
was unbelievable and the good humour of the
English supporters (with their Union Jacks and
champagne) in front of me made for a great day.

Favourite thing about the magazine? I enjoy
reading ‘The Inside Track’ and ‘The Bouncer’.
Both writers provide a balanced and analytical
account of current issues.
What else would you like to see more of in the
magazine? More prominent coverage (images
and pages) given to the Test reports.
How do you rate the current England team?
Highly as an ODI team because beating
Australia convincingly in Australia this year was
a fi ne e ort. However, the Test team is relying
too heavily on Broad and Anderson and their
batting (like Australia’s!) is prone to collapse.
Which county do you follow? Middlesex. I
admired the teams of the 1980s and Lord’s, the
museum and public tour are memorable.

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