Positive feeling
domain Negative feeling domain
Mild intensity Hopeful; doubtful Uneasy
Surprised, anxious, worried, concerned, caught off
guard, upset, frightened, afraid, alarmed
Strong intensity Shocked, stunned, terrified, panicked
Finally, the student volunteer identifies which of the feelings are closest to what
she is feeling.
Estimated time: 15 min.
Students respond to the following questions:
- What was challenging about this activity?
- Were you able to choose the right domain? The right intensity?
- Can you see how easy it is to choose the wrong intensity?
- Do you think it’s more ineffective to choose the wrong intensity or the wrong
Estimated time: 15 min.
Instructor Note
- This activity can be repeated with several volunteers.
Activity 5: Primary Empathy Round Robin Exercise
Round 1
Students work in a circle with the instructor. The instructor goes first to demonstrate
the activity. The instructor asks the student beside her/him, Student A, to say two or
three sentences that a genetic counseling patient might say about her or his situation.
Then the instructor uses Concise Own Words—summarizing the most important con-
tent without labeling feelings. Next Student A turns to Student B who says two or
three sentences about a different patient situation, and Student A provides a Concise
Own Words response to Student B’s patient sentences. Continue this process around
the circle until everyone has had the chance to be both counselor and a patient.
Round 2
For the next round, using the same patient situations/sentences, the counselor makes
a Content and Affective response—the counselor should use the formula “You