Have students share their examples of good counseling skills, especially focusing
on question asking. Then discuss with students the impact of the counselor’s good
skills on the patient.
Estimated time: 10–15 min.
Activity 6: Triad Role-Play
Three students practice using questions, primary empathy, and attending skills in
10–15-min role-plays taking turns as counselor, patient, and observer. Allow 10 min
of feedback for each role-play.
Criteria for Evaluating Counselor Questions
Concrete and specific (asks for examples)
Systematic (questions seem planful)
Comprehensive (covers thoughts, feelings, behaviors)
Uses silence
Avoids interrupting
Avoids use of “why” questions
Follows-up questions with primary empathy
Uses open questions where possible
Estimated time: 60–75 min
In the large group, discuss what students learned from the role-plays, what concerns
or confusion they still have about questioning skills, and what they think about the
utility of questioning skills in genetic counseling.
Estimated time: 15 min.
Activity 7: Brainstorming Family History Content Areas
Students generate areas in which genetic counselors would question a patient to
obtain a family history and construct a pedigree. Instructor records their ideas on the
board and fills in any areas which they miss.
Estimated time: 15–20 min.
Activity 8: Constructing a Pedigree Model
Instructor interviews a volunteer from class (or from outside of class) to gather a
simulated family history and draws a pedigree on the board as the volunteer pro-
vides information. Instructor explains why she/he is using certain symbols, nota-
tions, lines, etc. as the interview progresses.
Estimated time: 45–60 min.
5 Gathering Information: Asking Questions