Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1

Activity 9: Family History Taking Model

Instructor and a volunteer from outside of the class engage in a simulated genetic
counseling session in which the instructor gathers family history. Students observe
and take notes on family history. They also record examples of the genetic counselor
using good question-asking skills, empathy, and attending. This session should be
audio-recorded for students to use in written Exercise 5: Constructing a Pedigree.
Estimated time: 30 min.

Process 1
In small groups, students summarize the family history information per major cat-
egories (identified in the previous brainstorming Activity #5) or using categories
provided by the instructor. Possible categories include:

  • Biological relationships

  • Significant life events (births, deaths, marriages, divorce, etc.)

  • Role of extended family members (close and supportive, distant and uninvolved)

  • Experience with health-care delivery (close family member with chronic illness
    vs. no health issues in close family members)

  • Experience with diseases

  • Educational level

Estimated time: 20 min.

Process 2
In large group, instructor has students provide their group summaries for each cat-
egory (a different small group can provide information for each area, and the other
small groups can add to or modify the summary).
Estimated time: 20 min.

Process 3
In large group, discuss student observations about the genetic counselor’s use of
good questions, empathy, and attending.
Estimated time: 15 min.

Activity 10: Pedigree Construction (Dyads)

Pairs of students practice constructing pedigrees for each other. [Tell students they
are not required to share personal information that they are uncomfortable disclos-
ing. They can provide their own family history or use a fictitious family.]
Estimated time: 50 min.

In large group discuss any confusion students have, clarify pedigree construction
process, etc. Talk about what they perceive to be the benefits of constructing a
Estimated time: 25 min.

5.5 Class Activities

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