Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1

Counselor Patient Self-critique Instructor
Key phrases of


Comment on your own

Will provide feedback on your

Create a brief summary:

  1. Briefly describe patient demographics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, socioeco-
    nomic status, relationship status) and reason for seeking genetic counseling.

  2. Identify two things you said/did during the role-play that were effective and two
    things you could have done differently.
    Give the recording, transcript/self-critique, and summary to the instructor who
    will provide feedback.
    [Hint: This assignment encourages self-reflective practice regarding your clinical
    performance. The goal is not to do a perfect session. Rather the goal is to assess the
    extent to which you can accurately assess your psychosocial counseling skills. You
    will gain more from this exercise if you refrain from scripting what you plan to say
    as the counselor.]

Exercise 5: Preparing Information for a Genetic Counseling Session

Simonoff ( 1998 ) lists several types of questions that patients may have when they
seek genetic counseling after their first child is diagnosed with autism. These ques-
tions, which are generally relevant for reproductive genetic counseling, are listed
below. Assign students a genetic condition and have them research the condition,
using Simonoff’s list of questions for prepping the case:

  • What are the recurrence risks?

  • Is there increased risk for other conditions?

  • Was the diagnosis accurate?

  • Would other family members have the same type and level of impairment as the

  • What types of prenatal diagnosis are available?

  • Are any precautions during pregnancy necessary?

  • Is the condition more common in males or females?

  • What is the impact of another affected child on the first child??

  • What is the impact of a nonaffected child on the first child?

  • How early can the condition be detected?

  • Would risks differ if either partner were to have children with a different

Instructor Note

  • Students could then role-play these cases in class using the material they pre-
    pared in response to the patient questions.

7.7 Written Exercises

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