Dyads or small groups share their questions with the large group.
Estimated time: 45 min.
Instructor Note
- You can compare students’ questions to the eight interview questions used in a
study by Maxted et al. ( 2014 ) (see p. 348).
Activity 5: Assessing Cultural Factors in Patient Coping Strategies (Dyads or
Small Groups)
Students work in dyads or small groups to develop a set of five to eight general
questions they could ask to assess cultural aspects of grief for patients. Students
should write the questions as if they are actually talking to the patient.
Instructor Note
- You can compare students’ questions to the five questions from Gettig ( 2010 )
(see p. 118).
10.5 Written Exercises
Exercise 1: Grief and Loss
Describe a situation in your life where you experienced a significant loss. Do the
aspects of grief described in this chapter accurately represent the process you
went through to cope with your loss? How do they fit? Not fit? What sorts of
things do you recall people saying to you at the time of your loss that were espe-
cially helpful? Unhelpful? Recommended length: one- to two-word-processed
pages, double spaced.
Exercise 2: Anger
Part I: Describe the meaning of anger in your family of origin. For example, was it
a socially acceptable emotion? What did it mean when someone became angry?
How was anger expressed? How did others react to it? How does the meaning of
anger within your family compare to the meaning within your culture? How do you
currently react to anger? How do you currently express anger?
Part II: If you have had a genetic counseling patient become angry with you dur-
ing a session, describe what happened, how you felt, and what you did. In retrospect,
do you wish you had done something differently? If so, what? (If you have not actu-
ally had this experience, then make up a scenario, and use it to respond to these
9.8 Written Exercises