- Is genetic counselor self-disclosure a counseling technique or a counseling “mis-
take” (adapted from Hanson 2005 )?
Estimated time: 30–45 min.
Instructor Note
- This activity could also be done as a journaling exercise.
Activity 4: Self-Involving Responses (Small Group Discussion)
Students discuss each of the following questions. Students can first respond to these
questions in dyads in order to start the discussion.
- What would you do if you made a mistake with a patient?
- What would you do if you did not know the answer to a patient’s question?
- What would you do if you became tearful/cried with a patient?
Estimated time: 20 min.
Instructor Note
- This activity could also be done as a journaling exercise.
Activity 5: Brainstorming Nondisclosure Responses to Patient
Requests for Self-Disclosure (Group Discussion)
Respond to each of the following patient questions in a non-disclosing way.
Formulate three non-disclosing responses for each patient question.
Patient asks:
- Do you go to church?
- Do you have children?
- Are you married?
- What do you think about abortion?
- Do you believe in God?
- Do you think it’s wrong to wish my disabled child had never been born?
- Did you drink when you were pregnant?
- Don’t you think my doctor should have told me more about the prenatal screen-
ing test? - Do you think I’m being too hasty in my decision to terminate this pregnancy?
- Would you have this test if your family history looked like mine?
- Would you have a mastectomy if you knew you had the “BRCA gene”?
Estimated time: 20–30 min.
11.4 Class Activities