Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1


Instructor Note

  • The instructor may want to encourage students to attempt self-disclosure and/or
    self-involving responses during the role-plays, as they otherwise may exhaust the
    time allotted with other sorts of responses.

Activity 8: Triad Role-Plays

Students practice self-disclosure and self-involving skills in 15–20-min role-plays
taking turns as counselor, patient, and observer. Allow another 15 min of feedback
after each role-play. The students should focus on using good helping behaviors. In
these role-plays, the counselor and observer will not have advanced knowledge of
patient-counselor dynamics. As with triad role-plays in other chapters, only the per-
son playing the patient will fully know patient background and issues.

Criteria for Evaluating Counselor Self-Reference Behaviors
Used sparingly
Intended to meet patient goals
Appropriate depth/intimacy
Follow-up with empathy
Estimated time: 90–105 min.

Instructor Note

  • The observer or counselor may wish to stop the role-play if the counselor is obvi-
    ously stuck. The triad [except the patient] can then engage in a brief conversation
    about the patient’s dynamics, issues, etc., to help the counselor. Then the coun-
    selor and patient resume the role-play.

Discuss in the large group: How was it to do this exercise? What are you learning
about self-reference behaviors in general? About yourself? What questions do you
still have about these skills?
Estimated time: 20 min.

12.7 Written Exercises

Exercise 1: Patient Self-Disclosure Questions

For each of the following patients, generate a list of all the questions you can think
of that the patient might ask you to disclose about:

Pregnant adolescent—pregnancy affected with multiple anomalies.
30-year-old patient—tested positive for HD.

11 Counselor Self-Reference: Self-Disclosure andfiSelf-Involving Skills
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