Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1


  • Counselor advisors—Support the counselor. They remain silent until asked by
    counselor to comment. They speak at an audible level. Usually two students act
    assume this role for each role-play

  • Audience—Act as observers, taking notes regarding skills and processes used

Processing of each ITM role-play is done by the instructor in the following order,
using some of the following questions


  • What was something you said/did that you thought went well?

  • What would you like to have done differently?

  • If the role-play continued, what focus would you like to take?

  • Identify a time when you could have used the counselor advisors but did not


  • What did you like about the counselor’s approach?

  • What would you have liked to hear from the counselor?

Counselor Advisors (Typically Two Students)

  • What did you like about the counselor’s intervention?

  • If you were the counselor, what would you have added to the session?

Patient Advocate (As Stated Above, Typically This Role Is Enacted by
the Instructor as It Requires a Fair Amount of Expertise)

  • Discuss your perspective of the session with a focus on counselor strengths,

  • If necessary, reframe counselor and counselor advisor responses

  • Discuss what you might have added to the session if you were the counselor


  • What did you like about the counselor’s approach?

  • What questions do you have for the patient and the counselor?

  • If you were the counselor, what would you have added to the session?

1 Guidelines forfiBook Users: Instructors, Supervisors, andfiStudents
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