Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1


Indirect disclosures, 306
Influence responses
class activity, 297–298
encouragement, 293
express agreement/support, 293
guidelines, 294–295
reasons, 295–296
written exercises, 300–301
Initiate genetic counseling sessions, 139
class activity, 160–165
contract, 143–146
cultural variations, 141
goals setting, 146
effective goal, 148
genetic counseling, 146–147
obstacles and attainment, 151–154
strategy, 149–150
orientation, 142–143
preparation, 140–141
social conversation, 142
written exercises, 166–168
Instilling hope, 295
Instructors tips, 6
Integration of skills, 17–18, 29
Intellectual styles, 270–271, 278
Intensity, 87
Interactive training model (ITM), 21–23
Irrational beliefs, 354

Learning objectives, 2, 13–17
active learning techniques (see Active
learning techniques)
basic counseling skills, 18–19
grading and evaluation
criteria, 13–14
deficiency, 15–16
role-plays, 14–15
student resistance, 16–17
integration of skills, 17–18
principles, 3
self-reflective practice, 2–3

Microskills training, 2
Mimics of denial, 253
Model of practice, 37
MORAL model, 368
class activity, 374–376

culture and values, 360
ethnic group, 361
religious affiliation, 361
socioeconomic class, 361
written exercises, 377–380

National Society of Genetic Counselors
(NSGC), 360, 362
Nondirectiveness, 284
Nonexpressive style, 270

Open-ended questions, 112, 126
Overprotective countertransference, 336

Patient autonomy, 173
Patient styles
emotional styles, 269–270
intellectual styles, 270–271
types, 269
Perceived burden, 187
Personal counseling, 350–351
Personal reflection, about genetic counseling
statement, 30
Personal self-disclosure, 314
Personal values, 361
Physical attending skills, 52–53
body, 57
distracting behaviors, 57
face and eyes, 56
patient nonverbal behaviors, 54–55
touching patients, 57–59
understanding patients cues, 55–56
voice, 57
Positivity-negativity, 53
Primary empathy, 78, 217
affective responses, 106
content response make, 106
identification of feelings, 105
importance and functions, 78–81
letter to genetic counselor, 106
responses, 84–86
role-play, 107
Professional development, 369–372
Professional growth, 372
Professional self-disclosure, 314
Professional values, 362
Projection, 227

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