Table 2.1 (continued)
Goala Strategya Behaviora Additional strategiesb
Patient family
dynamics are
understood by
counselor and
- – Use psychosocial
counseling skills/strategies
Information giving
Patient self-esteem
is maintained or
Define patient
support network
Identify resources
Convey empathy
- Use psychosocial
counseling skills/strategies
Provide resources
Empower patient
GC genetic counseling
aREM tenets, goals, preliminary strategies and behaviors from McCarthy Veach et al. ( 2007 ,
pp. 720–721)
bMost prevalent strategy domain for each REM goal from research by Redlinger-Grosse et al.
( 2017 , pp. 1378–1379)
Genetic Counseling Process
Education Individual Attributes
Genetic Counseling Outcomes
Tenet: Genetic information is key
Tenet: Relationship is
integral to genetic
Tenets: Patient autonomy must be supported
Patients are resilient
Patient emotions matter
Patient understands and applies information to
- Make decisions
- Manage condition
- Adapt to situation
Fig. 2.1 Reciprocal-Engagement Model (REM) of genetic counseling practice. Note. Each ele-
ment interacts with every other element. None stand alone or work isolation. Reprinted with per-
mission of the Journal of Genetic Counseling
2.2 The Reciprocal-Engagement Model of Genetic Counseling Practice