BBC Knowledge AUGUST 2017

(Jeff_L) #1

“Happiness can be found

in the darkest of times if

only one remembers

to turn on the lights.”


“It is impossible to

live without failing at

something, unless you

live so cautiously that you

might as well not have

lived at all, in which case,

you fail by default.”

“It is our choices that

show what we truly are,

far more than

our abilities.”

This Albus Dumbledore quote

inspires me a lot! Your ability

to do something is your

strength; whether you use your

strength for a good cause or

a bad one depends on the

choices you make!



Harry Potter has always given me the hope I have needed
in my saddest times. He always gave me a new world to enter,
a world of my own. He gave me the strength to speak up for the right,
to trust myself while doing the right thing. He taught me to live.

Harry Potter has given me an amazing childhood that I will never
forget! He has inspired me to do every single thing on this planet
even if it seems impossible and to overcome criticism and the failures
of life. I’ve learnt that bravery, courage and friendship are the three
gems of one’s life. I’ve also learnt that one mustn’t tell lies and also
that “happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only
remembers to turn on the light.”

The Harry Potter series has widely nurtured young people’s
imagination. It has let me see loads and loads of adventures.
Harry’s bravery is an important aspect of the books.

It has taught me that every successful person in this world has started
out as nothing more than a student. If they can do it, why not me?

Nothing in this world begins without imagination.

It showed me the power of hope, loyalty and resilience. It also opened
up great new worlds of the imagination.

I can never get bored of Harry Potter; I can watch it time and again.
I’m so thankful to J K Rowling for giving all of us a magical childhood.
Harry Potter has taught me so many things: to stand up for what you
believe, something that is really worth fighting for, and that there are
important things in the world like friendship and bravery.

Harry Potter made me realise how friends can sometimes be more
important than family; sometimes, friends are your family. How love
can be so passionate that you would die for it. How people can be so
easily misunderstood. And how even the greatest villain is nothing in
front of love and friendship and trust!
Harry Potter has helped me understand life!

Harry Potter made me understand how love is the most powerful
magic in the world.
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