A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

the positive activation of the prefrontal cortex. Now the entire brain is fully
integrated. The body’s rest-and-repair mechanism is fully activated. The con-
nective tissues of the body are hydrated, strong, and durable. This is the key
to health and longevity.
So much suffering, sickness, and death could be prevented by living a life of
greater balance. Yin yoga along with a healthy diet, exercise, proper lifestyle,
meditation, and quality sleep will tremendously increase your quality of life.
Yin yoga is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but
will interest his patients in the care of the human
frame, in diet and the cause and prevention of dis-
ease.” —Thomas Edison

This chapter presented a lot of information on what happens deep in the
body. My hope is now that you understand the science behind yin yoga and
its benefits, you are even more inspired to practice. Practicing yin yoga keeps
the connective tissues and nervous system healthy so that your brain can
communicate effectively with all the cells. This proper flow of communication
ensures that you maintain an optimal state of vitality. The next phase of our
journey together explores the poses of yin yoga.

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