A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Up to this point we have explored the background and context of yin yoga.
Our journey has taken us through the history, philosophy, subtle anatomy,
and the science of yin yoga. In this chapter, we get into the actual yin poses.
Many of the poses have been passed down through the lineage of yin yoga,
and others are new additions that expand the practice. Different teachers
may call the same pose by different names. In fact, you might recognize that
some poses from hatha yoga have a different name in the yin yoga tradition.
For each pose, I have listed the name, suggested duration, benefits, risks and
contraindications, alignment points, modifications, and other options. My
intention is to give you as much information as possible to set you up for
success within your practice (more detail on your personal practice will be
presented in chapter 7). Before we explore the yin poses in depth, let’s take
a look at the Three Laws of a Yin Pose.

Three Laws of a Yin Pose

The way that we exercise muscle is different from the way that we exercise con-
nective tissue. If you want to strengthen a muscle such as a biceps, then you
stress it by doing repetitive, strong, and explosive movements. For example,
pick an appropriate weight and do 8 to 12 biceps curls. This exercise will break
down the muscle tissue. After rest, the body will repair and rebuild the muscle,
assuming you give it proper nutrition. Then the next time you do the exercise after
the muscle has recovered, the movement will be more efficient and the weight
easier to curl. The natural Tao of the body knows how to adapt. This example
describes a yang style of exercise to address the yang nature of the muscles.
The connective tissues however, are characterized by yin and need to be
exercised in a yin manner. So, what makes a yin yoga pose? Instead of a fast,
dynamic movement, the connective tissues respond to a slow, sustained hold.
Practitioners of yin yoga typically hold a relaxed posture for three to five min-
utes, which exerts a positive stress on the connective tissues as a way to trigger
the body’s natural repair response. This leads to a stronger, more durable, and
supple body. This method then triggers a set of events that makes the connec-
tive tissues stronger, longer, and more durable. Because the connective tissue is
found in nearly every structure of the body, this is a boon for your overall health
and performance capabilities.
No matter what yin pose you do, the following three laws will always be present.
Anytime you work with these three guidelines, you know that you are working
within the realm of yin. Remember these now and forever.

Find Your Edge
When you enter into a posture, you first look for your edge. This is a wall of
resistance that keeps you from proceeding farther. Trying to force and push
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