A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
3-5 minutes
Bene ts
This cooling posture targets the back of the body, providing both atten-
tion to the muscles along the spine and a healing touch to the abdominal
Risks and Contraindications
This pose is contraindicated for people with back pain caused by herni-
ated or bulging discs.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in a seated position and extend both legs straight.

  • Reach the arms overhead, draw the shoulders down, and fold for-
    ward from the crease of the hips, grasping the outer edges of the
    feet or legs.

  • Draw the heart forward and elongate the spine. Draw the belly up
    and in as the front ribs draw down and elongate the torso.

  • Bow the forehead down, allowing the head and neck to relax.
    Modi cations and Other Options
    If you have lower-back pain or tightness in the hamstrings, modify the
    pose by bending the knees, placing a folded blanket under the sitz
    bones, or performing the pose using a strap around the soles of the feet.


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