A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

3-5 minutes

Bene ts

This pose stretches the hips, inner thighs, and groin muscles and can help
alleviate sciatica.

Risks and Contraindications

Modify or work into the pose with caution if you have low-back pain or knee

Alignment Points

  • Begin in a seated position, drawing the soles of the feet together and
    then drawing the heels toward the body. Open the knees away from
    each other.

  • Grab the outer edges of the feet as you roll the outer hips to the  oor.

  • Fold over, allowing your spine and back to release.

  • You can keep the hands on the outer edges of the feet or reach the
    arms out in front along the  oor.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you have low-back pain, place a blanket or prop under the sitz bones
    to elevate the hips.

  • If you have knee issues, place a block or prop under the outer hips.

  • If you have a neck injury or excessive tension, you can support the
    head with a block or bolster under the forehead.

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