A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
3-5 minutes
Bene ts
This calming and cooling posture lengthens the back of the body, pro-
vides traction for the spine, opens the hamstrings, and stretches the
inner thighs.
Risks and Contraindications
This pose is contraindicated for those with groin injuries, back pain, or
bulging or herniated discs.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in a seated position and spread the legs apart.

  • Gently  ex the feet.

  • Rotate the outer thighs to keep the knees pointing straight up.

  • Align the torso directly over the sacrum and root the sitz bones into
    the ground.

  • Extend the torso forward while bringing the arms in front along the
     oor, or reach the hands out and grab the legs or feet.

  • Draw the shoulder blades down and away from the ears.


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