A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration
2-5 minutes
Bene ts
This pose is a calming posture and it massages the abdominal muscles. It
is also a shoulder opener that relieves tension through the upper back.
Risks and Contraindications
This pose is contraindicated for students with high blood pressure, his-
tory of stroke, a hernia, acid re ux, neck pain, or a history of neck injuries.
Alignment Points

  • Begin by lying on your back, with the arms by the sides and palms
    facing down.

  • Extend the legs up and over the head toward the back of the mat.
    If the toes do not touch the  oor, bring the hands to the lower back
    for support. If the toes do touch the  oor, the palms may stay  at
    on the mat or the hands may interlace to help draw the shoulders
    under. You may place the tops of the feet  at on the  oor, reaching
    the toes back to stretch the shins.

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