A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration

5 minutes or more

Bene ts

This pose is a cooling, passive alternative to other inversions. It helps drain
 uid from the legs, balances hormones, and can reverse the effects of gravity
on the body.

Risks and Contraindications

Modify this pose or proceed with caution if you have neck or lower-back pain.

Alignment Points

  • While lying on your back, position both legs up the wall toward the ceil-
    ing. Slide your sitz bones against to the wall.

  • Reach the arms out to the sides or bend the elbows and face the palms
    toward the ceiling.

  • Draw the shoulders down and back and broaden through the chest.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • If you have a history of neck pain, place a blanket under the head to
    ensure proper support.

  • For additional support for the back, press into the heels, lift the lower
    back, and slide a bolster or folded blanket under the back. Align the
    bolster directly under the sacrum, not higher up the back.

  • For additional grounding and support, place a light sandbag on the
     exed feet.

  • Arm variations include bringing the
    arms into cactus position, with
    the elbows bent at 90 degrees
    and the palms facing up, or rest-
    ing one hand on the belly and the
    other hand on the chest.

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