A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration
3-5 breaths
Bene ts
This pose stretches the spine and front of the body. It is a great counter-
stretch for seated forward bends, especially half-butter y pose (page 94).
Risks and Contraindications
Proceed with caution if you have wrist pain or spine issues.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in a seated position and extend the right leg straight.

  • Bend the opposite knee and bring the sole of the left foot into the
    inner upper thigh of the extended right leg.

  • Place the left hand about a foot (30 cm) behind the hips, turning the
     ngertips away from the body (a).

  • Shift the weight into the left hand, lift the hips off the  oor, and
    reach the right arm overhead (b).

  • Press the right toes toward the  oor.

  • Repeat on the other side.
    Modi cations and Other Options
    Turn this movement into a gentle  ow by inhaling to lift the hips and
    exhaling to lower the hips gently to the  oor. Repeat for  ve cycles and
    hold the last half-butter y backbend for three to  ve breaths.

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