A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Saucha, or Purity

Purity, or saucha, can start in external spaces such as the home, car, or office.
In the Chinese tradition, this is called feng shui, and in yoga it is called vastu.
The idea in both systems is that clean, open spaces allow room for energy to
flow, which increases productivity, creativity, and even happiness.
You’ve probably spent a long Saturday afternoon cleaning out a desk, a
closet, or a room and then felt so good when you were finally done. This
is an example of saucha. Taking it a step further, we should also make sure
that our yoga and meditation space is clean and pure and make sure that our
bodies are pure, too. By eating nutritious, wholesome food free of chemicals
and preservatives, we can help our bodies and brains function in their opti-
mal states. The senses will therefore be sharpened and our relationship with
the outer world heightened. We should be conscious of what we feed our
senses. For example, right before going to bed is probably not the best time
to indulge in TV that is highly agitating and violent. Instead, we should feed
our minds material that is positive, inspiring, and uplifting.

Santosha, or Contentment

Contentment, or santosha, is about maintaining equanimity through all of
life’s ups and downs. It also can be a powerful state of mind in which you
constantly feel grateful for all of the blessings that exist in your life.
You have the choice to move through life reflecting on all that you have or
ruminating on what you don’t. Constantly complaining about what you don’t
have creates a reality of deficiency and emptiness, which can be a miserable
way to live. On the flip side, dwelling in a state of gratitude for what you do
have creates a state of fullness, richness, and abundance.
It’s possible to create such a strong momentum of abundance that all
sorts of amazing opportunities will fly into your life. However, as a human
being, you face challenges big and small each and every day. It’s important
in the midst of difficulties to search for the silver lining. Everything happens
for a good reason, even though it can be difficult to see it in the midst of
the experience.
Also, contentment should never be confused with complacency. If you are
in a harmful or hurtful situation, you should move out of that situation as
quickly as possible. The key is to move through the challenge with equanimity.

Tapas, or Purification

The definition of tapas is to burn. Just as placing gold into a fire burns away
the impurities or placing a magnifying glass so that the sun shines through it
and ignites a fire, we can create a positive burn within ourselves.

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