A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


that the shape is a circle. This circle
represents the ongoing flow of the
Tao. It also represents the cycles
that exist throughout all of nature.
Second, you’ll notice that the left
side is predominantly light, which
represents the yang energy. The
right side is dark and represents
the yin energy. Third, notice the
S-shaped curve that runs through
the middle. Instead of placing a
straight line through the middle
of the symbol, the Taoists wanted
to convey the importance that yin
and yang are never separate. The
Tao is a constant dance between
these polar energies. Each flows
seamlessly into another. Lastly, you’ll see a small dark circle in the light part.
There is also a light circle in the dark part. This shows that within yang, there
will always be some yin. Conversely, within yin is some yang. Another key
concept for yin and yang is that they are relative. I find it amazing that so much
meaning is contained within such a simple-looking symbol.
Understanding the concept of yin and yang will provide the framework for
seeing all perceptible things in a simple but powerful way. Yin and yang are
aligned with subqualities that provide more texture to their meaning. The follow-
ing list shows how each yin quality has a corresponding opposing yang quality.

Yin Qualities Yang Qualities
Night Day
Dark Light
Cold Warm
Negative Positive
Passive Active
Female Male
Solid Hollow
Stillness Movement
Tranquility Activity
Receptivity Resistance
Moon Sun
Midnight Midday
Wetness Dryness
Hidden Revealed
Internal External

FIGURE 2.1 E7122/Eliot/F02.01/590009/mh-R1Yin-yang symbol.
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