A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Wood—Includes trees, vegeta-
tion, and minerals
Fire—Includes heat, light, sun,
smoke, and fire
Earth—Includes soil, clay, rocks,
and sand
Metal—Includes gold, silver,
copper, and bronze; also,
connected to magnetism and
Water—Includes liquid in the
form of the oceans, rain,
vapor, and moisture

Understanding these five phases is important to being aware of the laws of
nature. Each element, or phase, helps to produce or promote another. Each
element is like a mother giving birth to another element. In another config-
uration of the five elements, they control each other through a promoting
cycle and a controlling cycle.

Promoting Cycle
Water gives life to all vegetation, which promotes wood. Wood is the fuel
and promoter of fire. After the fire consumes the wood, it creates ash, which
promotes earth. Earth contains the minerals that promote metal. The minerals
of metal become one and promote the element of water. The cycle is then

Controlling Cycle
Water puts out and controls fire. Fire melts and controls metal. The metal of
an axe or chainsaw cuts down the tree, controlling wood. Wood and the roots
of a tree dig into and conquer the element of earth. The earthen banks of a
river control the flow of water. The cycle is then repeated.

The five elements provide a deeper perspective of the yin-yang model, and
it’s important to keep in mind that the two are always related. The number
five was important to the Taoists. In addition to the five elements are the five
seasons, five climates, five organ networks, and the five emotions. Chinese
medicine is built on these concepts, and the subject could easily fill numerous
books. For our journey into yin yoga, I hope to provide you greater context
on the origins of yin. In our overactive yang culture, one of the most powerful
ways to achieve balance is through yin yoga practice.
Almost a year after the near-drowning experience in Kauai, I signed up for
a yoga retreat at Koh Lanta, Thailand. At the end of the retreat, I was invited

FIGURE 2.2 The five elements.


Wood Earth

Water Metal
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