A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


this directly on two occasions. I was ready to dedicate my entire being to
spreading the wisdom of the Tao through the teachings of yoga. The Tao is
something, whether we know it or not, that is always moving through us. It
is us. We are it. We are inseparable from the Tao.
They say that when you align yourself with the Tao, you no longer chase
after things, they come chasing after you. It doesn’t mean that the challenges
go away and that everything is easy. You still have to keep showing up. You
still have to keep being a student in order to learn and to grow. In a new way,
you move through life with graciousness, purpose, and nobility. Anything not
in alignment with that will fall to the wayside.

“The two most important days in your life are the
day you are born and the day you find out why.”
—Mark Twain

In this chapter we learned what Taoism is and where it comes from. We
explored the intricate connection between nature and the Tao. The key con-
cepts of chi, the yin-yang model, and the five elements provide a window of
perspective into the way that Taoists view the universe. Most important, we
devled into the context of the yin and how it relates to the yin yoga practice.
Now that we’ve explored the essence of the Tao, let’s continue to stay deep
and journey through the subtle anatomy.
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