A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Now that we have explored the essence of the Tao, we will dive into the subtle
anatomy of the body from a yoga perspective. Subtle anatomy can be defined
as a person’s overall energy system that underlies the gross anatomy. When
we address something as amazing and miraculous as the human body, we
need to look at it holistically, as the Indian yogis and the Taoists did. By the
end of this chapter you will have a greater understanding of what is taking
place on a deeper energetic level.

In yoga, our being consists of five koshas. Kosha can be translated as layers
or sheaths. True health and well-being involves not only the physical body
functioning effectively, but also all aspects of the subtle body doing so as well.
According to the Bhagavad Gita, the subtle body is composed of the mind,
intelligence, and ego and controls the physical body. As we learned in the
last chapter, there is more to reality than what the five senses can detect. The
koshas encompass everything from the superficial all the way to the purest
essence of who we are. Misaligned koshas cause disharmony and fragmen-
tation, leading to confusion and suffering. All the koshas must be united and
blended if you are to achieve wholeness and illumination. The following are
the five koshas:

Annamaya Kosha: Sheath of Food
This sheath consists of the gross anatomy of the body. It includes the skin,
bones, muscles, and internal organs. It is called the sheath of food because
nutrition provides the building blocks for these tissues. As they say, “You are
what you eat.”

Pranamaya Kosha: Sheath of Vital Energy
This sheath consists of breath, energy, and the chakras. This relates to what
the Taoists call chi and the yogis call prana. We can increase the prana
within our being by eating prana-rich foods like fresh vegetables and fruits.
Spending time in nature and breathing in fresh, clean air, will also contribute
to the health of this kosha. A regular pranayama practice will also keep the
energetics of the body strong and vital.

Manomaya Kosha: Sheath of the Mind
This kosha has two layers: the mind and the heart. From a yoga perspec-
tive, these two are one and the same. The layer of the mind is related to our
thoughts. The heart is related to the emotions. In yoga, we use meditation
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