A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

practices to direct our thoughts. The mind makes a great servant but a terrible
master. For the mental state to be healthy, we must be in control of the mind.
To have a healthy emotional heart, we must not hold onto toxic emotions
such as anger and resentment. These negative emotions pollute this kosha.
Forgiveness and loving-kindness meditation are powerful practices for keeping
this kosha pure and healthy.

Vijnanamaya Kosha: Sheath of Causal Intellect
This kosha involves the higher self, the self where knowingness exists.
We often look outside of ourselves for answers, but through the practice
of looking within and quieting the mind, wisdom begins to emerge. This
wisdom is innate to all human beings. This wisdom serves as a compass,
guiding us across a sea of suffering to the island of true happiness. Time
alone spent journaling, meditating, listening, and being receptive connect
us to this kosha.

Anandamaya Kosha: Sheath of Pure Bliss
At the core of our being is our spirit that radiates pure bliss. This bliss
is like a light that has the power to dispel all darkness, including fear,
hate, and ignorance. It is a natural force that all humans are born with
and doesn’t have to be manufactured so much as it has to be uncovered.
When the other koshas are pure, we can naturally feel and experience this
bliss. Some people call it the God nature and others might call it original
goodness. Often when we are in the presence of a saint or fully illumined
person, their bliss nature can activate our bliss nature. This is the power of
spending time around teachers and masters who help us to remember who
we truly are.

It is important to understand that the koshas are not separate. They merge
into one another like the colors of a rainbow. Moving through our lives with
an awareness of these five koshas helps us to live in a deeper and more
meaningful way. This understanding also helps to guide us through the world
in a more holistic way. For example, if you go to the gym to exercise just to
improve your physical experience, then you’re affecting just 20 percent (1
out of 5 koshas) of who you are. At some point, you might start to feel that
despite the visits to the gym, something is missing. In fact, if you go to the
gym purely for vanity reasons and nothing else, it will only add to your suf-
fering. To live to your fullest potential, you must strive to work within all the
different layers of who you are.

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