A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


An environment containing a lot noise, traffic, activity, people, and stimulation has
a rajasic quality. Spicy, sugary foods along with highly caffeinated beverages have a
rajasic quality.

Characterized by balance, harmony, stability, clarity, and lightness, a sattvic
mind is happy, content, and awakened. The spiritual leaders in our commu-
nity radiate sattva. We always feel good and at peace in their presence. Places
in nature that are undisturbed by mankind are sattvic. This could be in the
forest or the mountains or locations with various forms of water such as a
stream, river, lake, waterfall, or warm, tropical beach. Fresh, natural, plant-
based foods are sattvic in nature.
Health is maintained through a sattvic lifestyle and is usually impeded by
rajas and tamas. Take the example of a person who chooses to go out par-
tying regularly. Often alcohol is involved and possibly even drugs, which are
both highly rajasic. Chances are the environment is stimulating and noisy, and
the other people also demonstrate rajasic behavior. At some point, the rajasic
partyers can no longer sustain themselves, and they become tamasic and go
to sleep or even pass out. The next day, they wake up feeling exhausted and
depleted. This is more tamas. Then they might go to brunch and choose to
drink a few cups of coffee as a way to wake up and get going. This is more
rajas. At some point, the caffeine wears off and they feel exhausted again and
have gone back to being tamasic. The cycle simply repeats itself, until even-
tually the wisdom of the body steps in to shut everything down by getting
sick. It’s like an emergency off switch as the intelligence of the body tries to
bring itself back to balance or sattva.
A vicious cycle of tamas and rajas is no way to live. It’s like being on an
out-of-control roller coaster, constantly shooting up and then falling down.
Trust me, I know what this is like and I’ve been there before. It’s difficult
to maintain balance when it seems like the majority of people live this way,
especially when we are younger.
Instead, you want to make choices that help reinforce the quality of sattva.
Wise choices on where to go, what to eat, and who to surround yourself with
will bring you more health and happiness. Even the things you watch, read,
and listen to have an impact on your mental state.
Now with all that said, tamas and rajas aren’t always negative. There is
a positive way of looking at these qualities as well. At night, when it’s time
to go to bed, you need some tamas to fall asleep. Eventually, you fall into
a deep, sattvic state of rest. When you wake up, a great way to start the
day is with healthy rajasic movement and exercise that will create a state
of sattva.
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