A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


The first chakra is located at the base of the spine, and is therefore related to
the feet, legs, and pelvic floor. Muladhara is connected to how we relate to the
material world, to our financial, job, home, and food security. Without these
basic needs taken care of, it’s difficult to move along a spiritual path. So, it is
the foundation for all the other chakras. This root chakra is connected to the
earth element. Its color is red, and its bija mantra is LAM. When this chakra
is balanced, we feel grounded, safe, and secure.

The second chakra is located in the region of the pelvic basin and sacrum. It
relates to creativity, sexuality, and the reproductive organs. Swadhisthana is
connected to the water element and therefore has a correlation to the moon.
Just like the moon affects the tides, it also affects this second chakra. Its color
is orange, and its bija mantra is VA M. When it is balanced, we have a healthy
relationship with creativity, intimacy, and sex.

The third chakra is located in the upper-abdominal, or solar plexus, region. It
relates to our digestive system and is related to our gut intuition, confidence,
and self-esteem. Manipura is connected to the element of fire. Its color is
yellow, and its mantra is RAM. When it is balanced, we have a strong, positive
role within society.

The fourth chakra is located in the heart region. Anahata is sometimes trans-
lated as the unstruck sound. It relates to our emotional state, and yogis often
refer to it as being the home of the soul. It is connected to the element of air,
the color green, and the mantra YAM. When it is balanced, we have a greater
capacity for love, compassion, and generosity.

The fifth chakra is located in the throat region and is our vital communication
center. Vishuddha is connected to the element of ether. Its color is blue, and
it is connected to the mantra HAM. When it is balanced, we are able to freely
express our feelings and truth in our relationships and the world.

The sixth chakra is located at the third-eye area at the front of the brain. It is
where we have the ability to transform through the use of intuition, dreams,
visualization, and imagination. It is the seat of the witness that watches and
observes the constant flow of reality. Like the fifth chakra, ajna, is also con-
nected to the element of ether. Its color is purple and it is connected to the
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