A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

By this point, we were on the verge of absolute rapture. The cloud posi-
tioned itself over our heads, and then the water blessing began. For about
10 minutes, rain poured down on our hot, thirsty bodies. Tears of disbelief
soaked our cheeks. The group was shell shocked. With the shaman’s power
over nature, he was able to make it rain at will. It was a true gift and a bless-
ing from the Tao.
Although for me this event was in the realm of miracles, the reality is that
cultures dating back to prehistoric times have demonstrated power over the
elements. Some call it magical Taoism. Someone who draws power from
nature is considered a magician, whereas someone who draws power from
spirits is considered a sorcerer. Taoist magicians are capable of manifesting
rain, thunder, and snow, assuming they know the rituals and have cultivated
enough personal power. My feeling is that our Balinese shaman was also
connected to magical shamanism.
Regardless of whether we go on to become Taoist magicians ourselves,
when we tune into our subtle anatomy, we can feel this part of us that’s more
than the confines of the physical body. Our real power resides in the subtle.
Before we wrap up this chapter, I would like to share with you a common
saying from the people of Bali: “The people closest to God are babies and
the elderly. The people furthest from God are middle-aged people with mort-
gages!” A little bit of humor is always good. As they say, never trust someone
who is always serious!

In this chapter, we explored the subtle anatomy. Understanding these
deeper layers of who we are helps us to see that human beings are complex
and amazing and need to be examined holistically. Our yin yoga practice
helps to awaken these deeper energies and therefore increase our potential
as human beings. When the koshas are pure, the prana vayus flow freely,
and the chakras are balanced, we are able to live a life of health, meaning,
and purpose. Next, let’s explore the science of yin.

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