A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

tendons is known as the peritendon. In addition to helping aid the movement
of tendons, loose connective tissue also helps to activate muscle contraction.

Deep Fascia The deep fascia is the structure that is most pertinent to yin
yoga. It is located under the subcutaneous tissue (see figure 4.7). This tissue
is much thicker and tougher, composed mostly of tightly woven fibers. It en-
velops and penetrates the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels. Deep

contain one thousand times its volume of water. This attraction of water helps
the body tissues stay hydrated, lubricated, and springlike. The hyaluronic acid
separates, supports, and cushions the living cells within the connective tissue.
This cushioning allows the connective tissue to endure the tension, pressure,
and stress that no other body tissue can.
HA, along with other GAGs, play an important role within the synovial fluid
to ensure that the joints work properly. As mentioned earlier, the synovial fluid
brings in nutrients and removes waste. HA facilitate this. Hyaluronic acid is
found in large amounts in the lips, eyes, gums, and the skin. In fact, roughly
50 percent of HA in the body is located in the skin. HA, along with collagen,
helps to maintain the skin’s structure so it remains smooth and elastic. The
moisture that HA provides gives skin its youthful appearance. HA has a lifespan
of about three days. To remain healthy, it is crucial that the body replenish HA.
This becomes more challenging as we grow older because the fibroblasts that
create HA diminish as we age. As the HA decreases, the skin can no longer retain
moisture. At this stage, skin becomes dry, rough, and wrinkled (Clark 2012).
This is true of the connective tissues as well. They too can become dehy-
drated, stiff, and less elastic. The extracellular matrix becomes filled with more
fibers. As this occurs, the fibers stick to each other, creating adhesions that
decrease mobility, and circulation suffers, resulting in decreased flexibility and
increased fatigue and bodily pain. To make matters worse, toxins and waste
products get stuck where the adhesions take place, and harmful bacteria can
multiply rapidly in these areas. Cellular communication becomes impaired,
and the toxins create abnormal electromagnetic impulses that are disruptive
to the natural intelligence of the body. This limits the ability of the cells and
tissues to function optimally.
Although aging is a natural process, we have the ability to slow the process
through the continued production of HA. Yin yoga stimulates the production
of hyaluronic acid through deep stretches of connective tissues. This is why yin
yoga is commonly referred to as the fountain of youth.
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