A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Located between each of the vertebrae is an intervertebral disc, which is
made of fibrocartilage. This and the natural curves of the spine provide shock
absorption. When you look at a healthy spine from the side, you see that it
curves four times: forward at the neck (cervical spine), backward at the chest
(thoracic spine), forward at the (low back) lumbar spine, and then backward
at the hip area (sacral spine). The forward shape is known as a lordotic curve.
The backward shape is known as a kyphotic curve. In addition to protecting
the spine from shock, the spinal curves also aid in balance, and they position
the head over the pelvis, which enables you to walk upright.
The spinal column protects the spinal cord, which is part of the central
nervous system. The spinal cord is the superhighway that the brain uses to
send messages throughout the rest of the body. It is composed of white and
gray matter. The white matter is nerves that are covered with myelin. Myelin,
made of fat and protein, is a fatty white substance that insulates the axon of
some nerve cells. Gray matter lacks myelin covering, making its appearance
gray in color instead of white. Essentially white and gray matter are large
bundles of nerves that carry information via the spinal cord. These nerves
are connected directly or indirectly through other nerve branches related to
the spinal cord.
Dr. Jeremy Brook, known as the Spine Checker, is a chiropractor and
anatomy teacher in Los Angeles, California. He says the following about the
spine (2009, 17-20):

It is nature’s most powerful and intricate architectural masterpiece.
The spine is built for protection and stability, flexibility, locomotion,
respiration, and for achieving super-conscious states of being. We
have to take extreme care of this important instrument. This is be-
cause the spine is at the core of everything. Everything is suspended
to the spine. It is the infrastructure of the body. Unfortunately, we
now spend an average of sixteen hours a day in a seated position,
without proper preparation and in chairs. Sitting is to the spine what
hard candy is to the teeth! The average American has lost the S-
curve in the spine and in many cases has a reversal of the curve in
the neck. Every day, all day, I see people who have lost their natural
curves in the neck. The spine was built to protect the spinal cord
and to act as the core infra-structure for our life! Sitting puts pres-
sure on the nervous system and interferes with the body’s ability to
communicate with itself and maintain balance and vitality. With a loss
of curve, weight distribution is removed from the joints and placed
upon the discs. Our spinal discs dehydrate, flatten, lacerate and her-
niate, setting up loss of function and increased pain and suffering. So
now you’re asking yourself... what can I do? An easy proactive step
along with chiropractic care is to commit yourself to a yoga practice.
The body is built for movement!
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