A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

bit less stable, and it is important to not go to the deepest point of any
stretch as she might not be able to feel the natural edge of the stretch.
Lastly, if the mom-to-be has been diagnosed with PJSD [pubic joint
symphysis disorder], she cannot safely go into poses in which the legs
are wide open. If she has been having SI [sacroiliac] joint pain, it is
important to work with a skilled yoga teacher to make sure that the
pelvis is well aligned in several poses, so as not to exacerbate the pain.

T.E. What advice and tips do you have for postnatal yin

D.B. New moms can greatly benefit from a yin practice. The body
has been through so many dramatic changes and it needs time to
integrate these changes. When women return to vigorous exercise
too soon, it can cause some problematic situations in the harmony of
the inner unit—meaning that the pelvic floor, transversus abdominis,
diaphragm, and multifidus may see an imbalance in the system and
not work together in harmony because one muscle group is stronger
than another.
Enjoying a yin practice can also inspire a feeling of calm, which will
help her body to counteract the stress of being a new mom. Mother-
hood is a joyous event, but even good stress is interpreted by the
body as stress and can lead to a fight-or-flight response in her nervous
system. The deep breathing and long holds hallmarked in a yin practice
act as a salve for her nervous system. The opposite of fight or flight is
called recovery and repair, and that is exactly what her system needs
at this time.

T.E. Anything else that you think would be good to share?

D.B. Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman's life. The only “should,”
is to listen to your body and honor the feedback. If the body needs
to take it easy, a yin practice can feel amazing. Practices like yin yoga
have been referred to as a “work in” (vs. a workout), as they can bring
a sense of support and balance to our inner body. Yin allows moms to
enjoy the sense of receiving, and that is a hallmark of this time in her
life as she gets ready to receive her baby into her arms and into her life.

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