of liferepresentatives of other traditions will undertake an analogous adventure of thought in their own communities.Part I of the book ends in chapter 5 by drawing together the findings the centerpiece of theological and humanistic thinking. We hope that
of the previous chapters to clarify the shape and import of theological humanism. Using metaphors from humanism and theology, the chapter develops an account of the range of goods important for the flourishing of human existence within the wider compass of life on this planet. Extending
the “logic” of Christian humanism, the chapter also clarifies an imperative of responsibility needed to guide actions and relations for the sake of a humane and yet religious future. Finally, we also present an account of “conscience” important for understanding the religious and moral task now set before
persons and communities. All of this culminates in the idea of the integrity of life which is the heart of theological humanism.“on trial” with respect to current debates raging in the academy and around Part II sets forth the “task” of theological humanism by putting the position
the world. These are obviously exemplary debates; it is not possible to address every controversy surrounding the theme of religion and the human future. The topics we have chosen to address swirl around the levels of goods isolated in Part I through the use of the various metaphors of the humanistic
imagination. These are crucial points in which the flaws of humanism and theism are manifesting themselves most dangerously in our global age. We take up these challenges to the integrity of life with respect to theological insights gleaned in earlier chapters, as well as our account of responsibility
and conscience. Addressing endangerments to natural life (chapter 6), the clash between religion and politics (chapter 7), debates about consciousness and art (chapter 8) and religion as a cultural form (chapter 9), we want to show the contribution of theological humanism to current thought and life.
Throughout these chapters we pick up and address criticisms of religion and humanism heard around the world. Abe exhaustive, and there are obaddressed. We leave those treatments to viously many other future work, our gain, our treatment of topics cannot challenges which must be own and (hopefully)
that of others.(chapter 10). By that point in the essay the humanistic and theological images explored throughout the book will have been gathered together beyond the The book ends with the reasons for adopting theological humanism
lines of criticism by means of a specific logic of thinking around the idea of the integrity of life. The last chapter is then really the transition from argu-ment to life and therefore the shift from an essay to a manifesto. Living theological humanism requires persons and communities to respect and