Self and Soul A Defense of Ideals

(Romina) #1

This book took some time to write and in the pro cess accrued mul-
tiple debts.
I am grateful, fi rst, to the many students at the University of
Virginia who enrolled in Literary Ideals. The course became this
book— and it did so with their generous and high- spirited help.
Great gratitude to the two friends who read the manuscript cover
to cover and provided perceptive commentary and suggestions: Lars
Engle and David Mikics.
Thanks to those who read individual chapters and, based on
learned expertise, off ered their advice. On Confucius, I am in-
debted to my brother- in- law, the distinguished Sinologist Kirk
Denton; on the New Testament, I profi ted from the comments of
Stephen Cushman and Charles Mathewes. Karen Lang off ered
thoughts on Gautama based on a lifetime study of Buddhism.
On Shakespeare, I am indebted to a careful reading by Gordon
Three anonymous readers for Harvard University Press posed
tough questions and off ered excellent advice. I thank them all.
Errors that might occur here owe nothing to these fi ne and gen-
erous helpers, but only to me.

Ac know ledg ments
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