Self and Soul A Defense of Ideals

(Romina) #1

Index 283

of the thinker, 102–103; mistrust of
writing, 106; and women, 112; need for
positive enlightenment, 118–119;
allegory of the cave, 119–122; and
Nietz sche, 126; The Symposium, 191,
Plut a rch, 165 –168, 173
Priam, 32, 41, 45–47

S a nt ay a n a , G e or g e , 178 –179
Saul (King in Biblical Old Testament), 68,
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 8, 107, 110–111,
118 , 149 –150. See also Nietz sche,
Friedrich: and Schopenhauer
Shakespeare, William: anti- idealism,
10 –12; The Merchant of Venice, 11, 78,
179 –18 0 ; Hamlet, 12, 141, 174–175,
180; dramatic characters, 137–138,
14 9 –15 0 , 173 –174 , 175; p e r s on a l
values, 138–140; Homeric values, 140;
Troilus and Cressida, 140, 168 –16 9,
171–172; Titus Andronicus, 141–14 4;
Othello, 141, 151; The Tempest, 141,
176 ; Julius Caesar, 141, 183; as Iago
fi gure, 151–152; and women, 155–156,
164; Macbeth, 161; Romeo and Juliet,
169, 177; literary style, 172; academic
interpretations of, 172–173; and
religious fi gures, 176–177; Catholicism,
178–179; and Romanticism, 186–187.

See also Freud, Sigmund: and
Shakespearean drama; Keats, John: on
Shelley, Percy; Romantic poet, 13, 199,
215; erotic love, 186; Prometheus
Unbound, 206–207, 209–210, 231
S oc r at e s , 110, 113 –115; i n The Republic,
5, 122–124; ideal of the thinker,
102–103; compared to Achilles,
115 –116 , 118; de at h of , 117–118;
allegory of the cave, 119–122; candor,
127–129; in The Symposium, 191, 200
Thoreau, Henry David, 10; the thinking
ma n, 103 –104; Wal d en, 104; friend of
E mer son , 111–112
Tol s t oy, L e o, 177–178
Virgil, 143
Whitman, Walt, 14, 199–200, 215,
Words worth, William, 189, 199, 201,
206, 208, 215
Yahweh: loving God, 7; beyond human
conception, 24–25; warrior God,
69–70, 93; retributive God, 88–92, 94;
and American Chris tian ity, 255–256.
See also Jesus: and Old Testament
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