Self and Soul A Defense of Ideals

(Romina) #1

84 Ancient Ideals

What matters most here is that Jesus is ready to extend his
teaching to the conquerors. His message about the way to enter
heaven now is not only for the Jews, it is for the members of the
imperial army should any of them choose it. This ministry is not
about strengthening the Jews at the expense of anyone else; it con-
tains wisdom for all. Of course, should all Romans take Jesus’ teach-
ings to heart, the Jews would no longer be a subject people. For
Jesus preaches equality among men, not domination of one race
or people over another. For him all people have been chosen for
the possibility of a joy that arises when they overcome the Self-
hood. The way to end Roman supremacy isn’t through armed
rebellion— the Jews will try this and fail twice, shortly after the
death of Jesus—it is to open up the gospel of peace to all.
In time, Rome will be overtaken by the message of the Gospel,
Constantine will convert, and the Roman Empire will become—
with multiple contradictions involved— a Christian empire. Gazing
at the cross, Constantine will famously say: Under this sign I shall
conquer. How much and how little the so- called Christian empire
actually was Christian— that is, steeped in the teachings of compas-
sionate Jesus—is, to say the least, an open question.
Perhaps the best known of Jesus’ encounters with Rome comes
when Pharisees approach him and ask if it is right to pay taxes to
the Roman overlords. If Jesus says it is not correct to pay the taxes,
he is a rebel and the Romans can suppress him. If he says it is right,
then Jesus is an imperial lackey and Jews will be more likely to ig-
nore him. Bring me a coin, Jesus says to them. They bring him a
Roman token. Now whose picture is on it? It is the picture of the
Roman emperor, Augustus, adopted son of Julius Caesar. Then
from the Savior the famous lines: Render unto Caesar that which is
Caesar’s. Render unto God that which is God’s.
Jesus draws a stark dividing line through experience. There is
that which belongs to the emperor and that which belongs to God.

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