OM Yoga UK - November 2018

(Michael S) #1

om living

How yoga can improve your gut health. By Amy Partridge



round 90% of your serotonin levels are stored in
the gut. The gut is therefore the home of our happy
hormones, which is why it’s important to make it a
happy one. The gut is also responsible for 70% of our
immune system, our digestive health, our skin and
energy levels.

Table top position. Fingers eyes and elbow forward. Inhale and chin up,
bottom up. Exhale suck the stomach in and lift centre spine to sky.
Gut health benefits
Tones the gastrointestinal tract.
Massages and stimulates organs in the belly, such as the kidneys and
adrenal glands.

Yoga can be a great source of gaining a healthier gut by reducing
stress levels, getting stronger bones and joints and better digestion by
working and exercising internal organs. More recent research is finding
out to believe our gut is our second brain, so we need to look after it!

Here are some key postures to get a happier and healthier gut:

Wind Removing Pose (A & B)
Lay on your back, arms down your side. Interlace your fingers two
inches below your knee. Draw your right knee to your shoulder. Relax
your left leg. Repeat with your right side. Hug both knees into chest.

Relax feet side by side. Chin down. Tailbone pulled to the earth.
Gut health benefits
Regulates and normalises hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach.
Improves conditions of constipation, flatulence and hyperacidity.

Spine Twist
Sit in staff pose. Cross your right leg over your left. Right foot to left
knee. Right arm behind you. Left elbow against outer right knee. Twist
clockwise. Repeat left side.
Gut health benefits
Aids digestion.
Relieves lower back pain.


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